Doctorate of Science in Kinesiology, emphasis in:

Sport Management

For nearly 30 years, Texas A&M University has been preparing Ph.D. students to excel in the scholarship of sport. We offer a Ph.D. in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport Management where faculty and students study sport management in ways that impact individuals, organizations and communities both locally and globally.

Using an appropriate array of theoretical, methodological and practical bases, our aim is to expose graduate students to a wide variety of perspectives and methods, then train them to understand and apply their knowledge base to critical areas of inquiry within sport management.

Doctoral On-Campus 67 hours


Applications are accepted in a rolling-basis year-round. However, all students who want to be considered for University or KNSM funding (e.g., GAT, GAR) need to apply by the priority deadline. Completed applications are forwarded to the respective division faculty for evaluation. Appropriate academic qualifications are determined by the accepting faculty member and divisional admissions committee.
For more information, please email:
  • Application Deadlines

Research-experience Requirement

Prior to scheduling the dissertation proposal meeting, each student will:

  1. Have presented, as sole or first author, at least one presentation at a state, regional, or national conference; and
  2. Will be an author on at least one research paper submitted to a peer-reviewed national or international journal.

In addition, dissertations will not be signed by the department head until the student has submitted as first author a manuscript (or manuscripts) of the study to a national or international refereed journal (or journals).

Minimum-hour Requirement

The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 67 hours beyond a master’s or 96 hours beyond a baccalaureate degree.

Depending on the preparation and experience, doctoral students may be required to complete undergraduate or graduate leveling work in addition to the minimum Ph.D. requirements.

Suggested Prerequisites or Competencies

Refer to the Texas A&M University Undergraduate Catalog for the content of the courses listed below. Competency in the content of the course is required rather than the specific course. KNSM’s Office of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the graduate committee chair or temporary advisor, will be happy to review transcripts of potential graduate students.

Tuition & Fees

For a better understanding of your total cost of attendance (COA), please visit our cost and tuition rates webpage ( This webpage will provide you with an opportunity to review estimated COA information for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as other resources such as the tuition calculator and billing and fee explanations.
For the tuition calculator: You will choose “Graduate” at the top in the maroon and select “Education and Human Development” in the College or School drop-down menu. A full-time graduate student takes 9 hours.

Program Advisors

Paul Keiper

Clinical Associate Professor

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  • Our faculty represent globally noted scholars in the areas of:

Each faculty member engages with students to develop lines of inquiry that will both prepare them for future careers in the academy and contribute to the growing body of sport management knowledge.

The Center for Sport Management Research and Education, along with the Laboratory for Diversity in Sport and the Laboratory for the Study of Intercollegiate Athletics also provide opportunities for students to engage in studies that will impact sport management theory and practice.

The broad collective knowledge base of faculty and access to world-class opportunities on and off campus, combined with individual mentorship for each student makes Texas A&M one of the strongest and most attractive universities for training and inspiring scholars in sport management.

Graduate Faculty Committee Members

Prospective students are recommended to contact one of the Graduate Faculty Committee members for approval prior to submitting their application.

Min Jung Kim

Assistant Professor

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Hyun-Woo Lee

Associate Professor

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Paul J. Batista, J.D.

Associate Professor

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John Singer

Associate Professor of Sport Management

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Marlene Dixon

Department Head and Professor

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Gregg Bennett


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Mark Zhi Lu

Associate Professor

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Jonathan A. Jensen, PhD

Associate Professor

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have further questions. Who can I contact?

The Graduate Advising Office is located on the third floor of the Gilchrist Building. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Office: Gibb Gilchrist Building

You can email us general questions at

Do you accept out-of-state applicants?

Yes, we accept in-state and out-of-state applicants.

Is the GRE required?

No, the GRE is not required.


Is there an opportunity for financial assistance?

Yes, there are opportunities for financial assistance through the following offices: Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid

Are any scholarship opportunities available?

The Kinesiology and Sport Management Department provides competitive Graduate Assistantship positions ($2000 per month stipend plus benefits and tuition) and grant opportunities. In addition some scholarships are also available.