Minor in:
Sport Management
Our Sport Management minor is designed for students who want an introduction to working with sport organizations.
All of the courses for the minor in Sport Management are available online.
Two of the minor courses will also meet international and cultural requirements for core curriculum.
You must be a current student at Texas A&M University to declare this minor.
Please contact your major advisor to declare a minor in Howdy.

Required Coursework (16 hours)
SPMT 260-270: 4 hours in Foundations of Sport Management
SPMT 200-499: 3 hours*
SPMT 300-499: 9 hours*
*Students can choose from SPMT 220, 230, 304, 319, 330, 336, 337, 340, 421, 481, 489. Other courses subject to availability. Check the restrictions in Howdy.
Students on older catalogs may replace three hours of SPMT 481 with a three credit hour course.
Program Advisors